Will The White House Press Room Honeymoon Last? by The Gary Baumgarten Report (2024)

A Call To Remove Farrakhan From TwitterA call to kick Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan off of Twitter following the killing of a Capitol police officer.In this interview, Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, says Noah Green posted a vile video of Farrakhan on Facebook weeks before the attack that claimed the life of officer Billy Evans.Farrakhan has been off Facebook since 2020 when he was kicked off. Hikind says even though Green posted it on Facebook, Farrakhan should be deplatformed from other social media sites - like Twitter - because his rhetoric is dangeous.Apr 08, 202106:51SNL Accused of AntisemitismTwo skits on Saturday Night Live poking fun at Israel may have missed their mark. As Jewish groups criticize them as anti-Semitic And one group is prompted to demonstrate.Americans Against Antisemitism founder Dov Hikind joins me to explain why he's calling for the protest..Feb 26, 202107:28Will The White House Press Room Honeymoon Last?It's almost a love fest in the White House briefing room now. Especially compared with the rhetorical slugfest of the past four years.But can this last?Veteran White House correspondent Victoria Jones has her doubts.Jan 22, 202106:59On Patrol With The Guardian AngelsAs crime increases so does interest in the Guardian Angels volunteer safety patrol.Jan 21, 202105:46Vaccine Tester Says Don't Be Afraid To Be VaccinatedA new poll finds that 50 percent of Americans don't want to roll up their sleeves when the COVID-19 vaccines become widely available.That's not enough to ensure herd immunity.Larry Kaplan is part of the Moderna testing program. He talks about the side-effects he experienced. And why that shouldn't stop us from getting vaccinated.Dec 09, 202009:60Off Duty Cop Saves 3 From FireThree people in Massachusetts owe their lives to an off-duty police officer who happened to be driving past their burning house.Dec 09, 202001:26Robber Picks On Wrong WomanIn fairness to the robber who attacked Tracy Orsagos, he had no idea she was trained in the martial arts.Dec 08, 202002:04Now There's A Lifeline For Seniors Struggling With The New TechnologyLike everyone else, senior citizens have been forced into using the new technology to keep in touch during the pandemic.But many have never used computers very much and are intimidated.But now, a company to the rescue. Candoo Tech is just a phone call or the click of a button away both virtually and literally help older folks with their technological challenges.I speak with Liz Hamburg, who started the company.Dec 04, 202014:50The Pandemic's A Crisis For Many Pets Too And It's Going To Get WorseMore people who are at home because of the pandemic are adopting pets. But even more, who are falling on dire financial straits, are being forced to give their best animal friends up.And Robert Misseri of the Guardians of Rescue predicts when evictions start again, this crisis is going to explode.Dec 02, 202010:58The Financial Stress Of The Pandemic Is About To Get WorseMany Americans struggling with meeting their financial obligations may face heavier burdens with the New Year.That's because, as things stand now, student debt forgiveness will disappear January first. And landlords are expected to be permitted to go back into court to start eviction proceedings again.But consumer debt and financial behavior expert Michael Micheletti, of the Freedom Financial Network, says there are programs to help consumers through this financial minefield.Nov 27, 202013:12Will The Biden Administration Pressure China On Human Rights?Uyghur human rights activists were pleased with the pressures put on the Chinese government by the Trump administration. But they are concerned that a new State Department headed by Biden nominee Antony Blinken might ignore the genocide against their people.Salih Hudayar, the prime minister of the East Turkistan Government In-Exile says he plans on opening dialogue with the Biden State Department to ensure the advocacy for the rights of the Uyghur people continues.Nov 24, 202008:45This May Be A Great Time To Apply To CollegesOf course the coronavirus is disrupting higher education. So one might think this is a horrible time to apply to college.Not so, says James Lewis, president of the National Society of High School Scholars.He says, not only have waiting lists evaporated, but many premier universities are offering substantial scholarships to get the best students to attend.Nov 17, 202017:03The Lincoln Project Continues Criticizing Trump Post-ElectionBefore the election, the Lincoln Project, a group of Republicans appalled by the demeanor of the Trump administration, advocated for the defeat of the president. But they feel their work must continue now.Jennifer Horn, a Lincoln Project co-founder, says the president's divisiveness following the election, and his refusal to cooperate with the Biden transition team, puts the nation at a national security and at a COVID-19 pandemic risk.Nov 16, 202018:12How YOU Can Carry Gold Bills In Your PocketWorried in these uncertain times about the value of the dollar?Now you can actually carry gold bills with you. To barter for goods and services.Adam Trexler, the president and founder of Valaurum, the company that makes the 24-karat gold bills, tells us, it's not only legal, but gaining in popularity.Nov 12, 202006:28A BIG Shift In Education Policy Expected Next YearThe current Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, was repeatedly ranked the most unpopular cabinet secretary in the Trump administration.President-elect Biden has signaled that public educators will now have a voice in the White House.Ronald Chaluisan, executive director of the Newark Trust for Education, gives us a preview of what to expect.Nov 12, 202020:07Can Biden Mend Fences With Europe?The relationship between the United States and Europe deteriorated the past four years. Most notably between President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Europe's longest-serving democratic leader.Claudia Clark, author of the book My Partner, My Friend, which details the close relationship between former President Obama and Merkel, takes a look at how that all eroded during the Trump administration. And makes some predictions about the chances of restoration during a Biden presidency.Nov 10, 202016:16How Will A Biden Administration Affect U.S.-Israeli Relationships?Many people, both in the United States and Israel wonder what the future U.S. relationship will be with Israel now that it appears Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.Dr. Efraim Chalamish, senior adviser at the consulting firm Duff and Phelps heads the firm's Israeli practice.He tells us there will be some obvious changes. But that the basic relationship will continue untattered.Nov 09, 202010:56How To Handle Election And COVID StressHigh anxiety.We are all suffering this today.Pennsylvania therapist Faust Ruggiero, author of The Fix Yourself Handbook, joins us with some much needed coping skills.Nov 06, 202012:41How You Can Help Those In Uniform In Need SafelyAs the holidays approach many of us feel charitable. And some of us might want to give back to the men and women of our police departments, our fire departments, our EMS and paramedic units and our military who are in need. But how can we do so with the knowledge the money is going where it is intended?Well a new organization, FundTheFirst.com has set up a safe, verifiable platform for us to do that.NYPD Detective Robert Garland, who founded Fund The First, explains.Nov 05, 202012:06Guardian Angels Patrolling To Prevent Election Day ViolenceSeveral thousand Guardian Angels safety patrol members are taking to the streets in eight major cities in the United States. Over fears that there will be violence on Election Day.Founder Curtis Sliwa says the threat comes from radicals on the Left and the Right. And from apolitical thugs just interested in looting for profit.Nov 02, 202012:23Remembering Yizhak Rabin 25 Years After His AssassinationA look at the mood of Israel before and after the assassination of Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin. From the perspective of an American who was there when it happened.In his reflections on the political divide in Israel over the Oslo Accords, Elliott Gordon compares the schism then with the one that separates us in the United States today.Nov 02, 202014:10This Congressional Race Mirrors The Presidential ElectionWhen Nicole Malliotakis and Max Rose debated on TV it sounded a lot like the first Trump-Biden debate.And Malliotakis, the Republican challenger for the New York congressional seat held by Democrat Rose, is hanging her political fortunes on the shoulders of President Trump.Malliotakis explains why she feels confident running as an ardent supporter of the president in New York City.Oct 30, 202013:03Israelis Showing As Much Interest In The Election As AmericansIsraelis recognize a special relationship, not just between their country and the United States but also between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Trump.Hebrew University - Jerusalem assistant professor of history Dr. Ronny Regev, who researches modern U.S. history, offers the perspective of Israelis and suggests what changes might occur in the relationship if Joe Biden is elected.Oct 30, 202009:03Fears Of Vote Tampering From An Ex-Governor Who Says His Election Was StolenFormer Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman went to bed one election night a winner and woke up the next morning a loser.Siegelman claims votes were electronically transferred from him to his opponent while he slept. In this interview he argues we must remain vigilant on Tuesday to make sure that doesn't happen during the presidential election.Oct 29, 202012:42Ghislaine Maxwell's Deposition Brings Child Sex Trafficking Into FocusVoices Against Trafficking founder Andi Buerger discusses how women lure and groom children to be sex trafficking victims.And what we as parents can do to prepare our children to protect them from becoming victims.Oct 27, 202011:03The Salvation Army, Expanding To Serve While Struggling FinanciallyThe need for holiday food services from the Salvation Army is skyrocketing.While the Army's abilities to collect the revenues necessary to meet the need is diminished during the pandemic.But rather than reducing services because of reduced means of getting donations, the Salvation Army is actually expanding services, with new food banks and new food warehouses.Major James Betts, the commander of the Salvation Army in New Jersey, tells us how they're managing to do all that.Oct 26, 202012:16Cuomo Accused Of Stirring Up Antisemitism In Covid FightNew York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he loves and respects the Orthodox Jewish community. But they feel assailed by state COVID restrictions targeting their neighborhoods.Now Americans Against Antisemitism's Dov Hikind is asking the Justice Department to investigate what he believes is rhetoric by the governor that's stoking up antisemitism ... and putting people in the community at risk.Oct 16, 202013:47Internet Addiction And Cyber Bullying Soar During The PandemicWe're on our computers more often and longer now because of the pandemic. And that leads to addiction to social media and opens the door for cyberbullies.Brooklyn psychologist Dr. Michael Nuccitelli sorts it out for us and tells us about his great resource for help, iPredator.org.Oct 14, 202021:00A Congressman And A Charged Governor Kidnap Plotter's Membership In The Same Far Right Wing GroupA Louisiana congressman once publicly bragged about his membership in a far right group that one of the men charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan's governor belongs to.Oct 10, 202004:14New NY City COVID Rules Target Orthodox JewsMany religious Jews are upset that they are being targeted by new coronavirus restrictions because of spikes in their New York City neighborhoods.But one rabbi cautions them that by not following the rules, they are violating Jewish law.Oct 09, 202005:21A Free Car For A Veteran Who Helps Other VeteransA Long Island auto body shop owner donates a car to a veteran who devotes his life to helping other vets.Oct 08, 202002:08Are Republicans Trying To Suppress The Vote?Harvey Wasserman, a founder of the Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Coalition, believes the Trump campaign knows it doesn't have the votes to win the election. So they're doing all they can do to prevent people in historically Democratic areas from voting or having their votes count.Oct 07, 202006:10Does Pres. Trump's Illness Help Or Hurt His Campaign?Does the president pick up some sympathy votes now that he has COVID-19?Or do people turn away from him because he once called the virus a hoax?Former Ohio Republican Congressman Bob Ney takes a look at these questions. And tells us how his state, which is typically reflective of the outcome of presidential elections, is leaning.Oct 04, 202015:31A Nervous Woman's BLM Sign In Trump CountrySarah Molenaar's Hersey Michigan neighborhood is plastered with Trump 2020 signs and one guy is even flying a confederate flag.In the midst of this she's displaying a Black Lives Matter sign.She tells me why. And how the community is reacting to it.Oct 02, 202010:44A Revolutionary Says Biden Is NOT His ManRepublicans say Biden would push the United States into socialism if he’s elected. But Daymon J. Hartley says from his personal, sadly, that’s not true. Oct 01, 202011:06Macomb County Michigan Could Tell Us Who The Next President Will BeEvery four years it seems, as Macomb County Michigan goes, so goes the nation in the presidential election.But how will residents of the largely blue collar community vote in November?I spoke with civil rights attorney and long-time local political observer Joe Golden, to get his thoughts.Sep 27, 202010:16The Call Is To Defund The Police But The Goal May Be Something DifferentWhen protesters say they want to defund the police what do they really mean?Former Detroit Police Sgt. David Malhalab thinks what people want are police reforms. And he says they should get them.But not through rioting.Sep 25, 202012:46The Battle For Pennsylvania May Be Uphill For BidenI'm in Bloomsburg Pennsylvania talking to political observer Dan Warner about the tough campaign for this key and possibly decisive state in the presidential election.Warner believes the state may be leaning Trump's way.Sep 20, 202009:57Biden And Trump's Battle For FloridaThe Sunshine State, better known around election time as The Land Of The Hanging Chads. Home to a significant Latino population. Which Biden may have been taking for granted. But no longer.Both Biden and Trump, stumping for votes in Florida. Who will get its coveted 29 Electoral Votes.We take a look at the political make-up of a state that analysts say could go either way.Sep 18, 202003:53It May Be A GOOD Time To Open A BusinessBusinesses are closing because of the pandemic.But New Jersey CPA Chris Whalen says that could mean opportunity for you.Sep 16, 202003:04Remote Learning Is Causing High AnxietyIf we weren't already anxious enough already ... remote learning is making many students, parents and even teachers apprehensive.Long Island therapist Kimberly Meere joins me with some coping suggestions.Sep 15, 202009:38A View From The White House Of The New Middle East Peace DealDov Hikind is one of the American Jewish leaders invited to the White House to witness the signing of the new peace accord between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain.He gives us his perspective on this historic moment.Sep 14, 202007:19National Assisted Living Week Has New Meaning During The PandemicEntertainers can't get in to bring some joy to residents of assisted living facilities.So one is turning to technology. And finds himself reaching more residents than ever before.Sep 10, 202010:48In Some States Nursing Home Chaplains Are Being Locked Out Because Of The PandemicNursing home chaplains are being locked out in some states because of the pandemic. And patients are suffering.Sep 09, 202005:53If ordered to lockdown again will you do it?Some places where the coronavirus has subsided are seeing increased. What if there’s a full-fledged second wave? Will you comply with lockdown orders. A perspective from both coasts. Please give it a listen. Aug 17, 202046:28What the NYPD CAN’T do to help you may SHOCK you. Guardian Angels Founder Curtis Sliwa went to a police community meeting. This is what he learned about new regulations that handcuff cops. Aug 15, 202003:56Is what I post my opinion?Some people erroneously believe if I quote someone or post a story about someone or some thought it’s an endorsem*nt or advocacy of sorts. Allow me to correct that misconception. Aug 14, 202004:26Why are the Guardian Angels patrolling Manhattan’s affluent Upper West Side?They are known for patrolling the impoverished crime ridden inner-city neighborhoods of our nations. But the Guardian Angels are patrolling New York’s affluent Upper West Side. Aug 12, 202009:29Student may be suspended. For a Trump portrait? Or for a Facebook threat?A Stockton University student faces suspension. Either for a Trump portrait he displayed during ban online class. Or a threat authored by someone else. Aug 11, 202007:57
Will The White House Press Room Honeymoon Last? by The Gary Baumgarten Report (2024)


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