Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

.4 THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909 MARION DAILY LEADER. PAGE THREE. ANOTHER QUEER QUESTION ARISES Statement: was made today that Willam Sneerer, the proprietor of the Rowan saloon 7 on South Bransou street, had not obtained big county. license to retail liquor after the a was granted last Novellher by the county. commissioners.

Audilor Stout could fad 00 recor of such a license and it is said that Sheerer claims this was an oversight on his part and says he is ready and to the Auditor Stout is not sure. that he would be permitted this capecially to of the -fact that there is quos ton "whether these licenses have expird or are effective, the Sheerer plication one granted at the Novmber term of the court. Mr. Stout said he would take no- artion" except on advice of the county, City Controller (cats'a records show that Sheerer obtained his liceme of the city' Novembr 10.51908.1 I CHANGE OF VENUE IS WANTED Application for change of venuc, WAR Aled ex parte proceedings in which W. J.

Houck is defendant, a connuittee of the Grant county bar having been named by Judge Paulus to prosecute the defendant in disbarment proceedings: Judge Chipman of Anderson is the 'special Judge In the case which has been set for; trial In the Grant circuit court June 3.1 not been. in the court since tic notion was Aled but is expected here Friday or Saturday. to rule. ca the motion. Mr.

defendant, says he cannot base a fair and impartial trial ic Grant county for, the followin reasons: First--The members of the prose cuting committee, W. I. Carroll, W11- liam I. Charles, Frank Charles, Orlo Cline, R. Browne, 'Wilson D.

Lett, Foster Davis, Meade S. Hayes Grant. A. Dentler, hare undue infuence over the citizens of Grant county. Secod--The-' prosecuting herein, viz, Ilenry J.

Paulus, has 'an undue inQuence over the citizens of Grant county. Third--An odium attaches to this defedant, in sald Grant county, on account of- local prejudice, Fourth--An. odium attaches to the defendant's defense herela in sald Grant county on account of local It' was a showdown: No one watch- ting the two men under the window breathed for a moment. 'Whispering Smith, motionlees, only watched the half closed "You can't shoot crape," he said, coldly. "What can you shoot, Pearline? You can't stop man on horseback." In Pang know he must try for quirk kill or.

make a retreat. He took In the feld at glance. Kponedy's teeth gleamed only ten leet away, and with his right hand halt under his coat. lapel he toyed with his watch McCloud. had moved in I from, point the of slot the machine table, and looking stood at Du Rank and.

laughing at him. WhisperIns. Smith threw off all pretense. your band away from your you albino! I'll blow your head off left handed 1f- you pull! WIll you ret out of this town tonight? If you can't drop a man do the saddle at 250 yards, what do you think you'd look like aftDer a break with me? Go back to the whelp that bired you, and tell him when he wants a friend of mine to pend a.man that can shoot. If you are within 20 miles of Medicine Rend at daylight I'll rope you like A fat cow and drag you down Front street!" Du Sang, with burning eyes, shrank narrower and smaller into his corner, ready, to shoot if he bad to, but 'not liking the chances.

No man in Williams Cache could or shoot with Du Sang. but po man in the: mountains had ever drawn successfully against the man that faced him. Whispering Smith saw that he would not draw. He taunted him again in low tones, and, backing aWAY, spoke laughingly to: McCloud. While nedy covered the corner, Smith backed to the door and waited for the two to join him.

They baited a moment at the door, then they backed slowly up the steps and out into the street. There was no talk till they reached the Wickiup omce. "Now, will some of you tell me who Du Sang is?" asked McCloud, after Kennedy and WhisperIng Smith with banter and laughing bad cone over the scene. Kennedy. picked up the ruler, "The cruelest man in the bunch -and the best shot." "Where is your bat, George ethe one he put the Gullet.

through?" asked Whispering Smith, limp in the big chair. "Burn it up; he thinks he missed you. it up now. Never -let him And out what a- close call you had. Du Sang! Yes, be is coldblooded as a wildcat and cruel as and this is cited by Sheerer-as eridence of his good intentions.

R. long, a Falrmount-attorney, who was prominent In the late local option campaign as a "dry," went to ti: Rowan valoon this morning and purchased whisky of Jreeph Warren, bur. tender, and later Aled an afidavit in Illegal of liquor. He was ur. the city court a against Warren for the rested and released under bond.

Although the paloons where ary rests today were there made were no yesterday -further -kept arrests. open 'The row when trials it are is expected scheduled. to form commence the work cf making a test case. Eight Kokomo saloon keepers did Just as Marion paloon men did yesterday, asserting their right to sell their licenses, issued between Sept. 26.

and Nov. 20, expire. Howard county held her election the same day as Grant. arrests occurred thero yesterday. but the otfirers prepared to conduct arrests toxlay.

prejudice. It is represented that the defendant. did not learn of the foregoing facts until 1909, and after the cause bad been al for trial. It is therefore asked that the case be sent to some other county. Attorney W.

M. Amaden of the defendant's counsel fled the motion for change of venue, ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR FOR IT One of these days you'll be trying varnish something, do A little painting, or tinkering about the Antomoblle, and. when that time cons you haven't been lucky enough to hear about "Whiz" ask your neighbor if he has a can of it. If not, send to the grocer. It's the most wonderful preparation ever known removing dirt, grASP and grime quickly, and its use 1s 8 habit that grows on one.

EIGHT POUND DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of 3outh Boots street are. the parents of an eight pound daughter, born last evenIng. All concerned are doing well.

By Frank H.Spearman Illustrations by Arde 4 5 Coyrign 19 By Chen soft bullet. Du Sand wold iboot dying. man, George, just to keep him squirming In. the dirt. Did you -yar such eyes in a human being, set like that and blinking so in the light? It's bad enough watch man when you can see his eyes.

Here's boping we're done with him!" SHAPTER XVL New Plans. Callahan crumbed the tobacco under his thumb in the palm of his right hand. I AnI sorry to add," he corcluded to McCloud, "that you are row out of a job." The two men were facing each other across the table in McCloud's once. "Personally, am not sorry. to say.

It-elther." added Callahan, slowly Alling the bowl of his pipe. McCloud said pothing to the point, there seemed to be nothing to say until he had heard more. "I never knew before that you were leftbanded," he returned, evasively. "It's a lucky thing, because it won't do for a freight man, nowadays, to let his right band know what his left hand does," observed Callahan, feeling for a match: I am the only left-handed man in the tramc department, but the man that handles rebates, Jimmie Black, is Bucks offered to 'send him to Chicago to have straighten his eyes, -but Ammie thinks it for better to have -them as they are for the present, so he can at thing in two different merce commission and one for himways- oge for the interstate comself. You haven't heard, continued Callahan, returning to his riddie about McCloud'a job.

"Why, Lance Dunning has gone into the United States court and got an Injunction against 11g on the Crawling Stone line -tied us up tighter than zero. more construction there for year at least. Dunning comes in for himself and for a cousin who 1. his ward, and three or four little ranchers have fled bills-50 it's up to the law. yers for 80 per cent.

of the cate receipts and peace. Personally, I'm glad of it, It gives you a chance to look self, We are going to be swamped after tie's operating for year yourwith freight tramc this year, and I want it moved through the mountains like checkers for the next six mouths. You know what I mean, (TO BE CONTINUED.) Miss Elizabeth Digga has returned from a risit in Tonic or. a Stimulant? Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic. It does not stimulate.

It does not make- you feel better: one day, then as bad as ever the There: is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the' steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic. Ask your doctor. all. about this.

Trust him fully, and always do as he says. 4 Wall Paper Stores Consolidated 2 Young Store Joins Hands With Barley's Big Co-operative Store of Marion's best known Wall Paper Stores have combined. Young fine Wall Paper stock at 2:19 E. 4th street, has been removed into Barley's Big Store Wall Paper Department. We now have the largest, most complete and finest- Wall.

Paper Store, not only- inMarion but in Northern Indiana: W. R. YOUNG Mr. W. Young, of the fum of Young is now in charge of our Wall Paper Department.

He will not -only look after his old cus'omers in the very. best manner bur will also give The Big Store customers his best attention. Mr. Young is acknowledged as the best interior decorator in ths section of the state. His long 'experience in his line of work, honest acalings wi.h the general public and promptness in all of his contracts, insures.

Big Siore cus.omers unparalleled service. Larger Field of Work With our combined force we expect to do business on a scale. All. kinds of interior decorating will be done. Big Bargains in Wall Papers Just now we are offering many exceptionally fine valnes from each slack.Room must be made for our increased Don'! fail to come 10 Barley's Big Store for your Wall Paper.

We can suit you in quality and price. your Summer Oxfords- own at leust one share. Let us explain PERATIVE CO. Store "Shoe Department. Buy holder? It certainly is to your interest to HUB moved SHOE into STORE Barley's now re- Big share in our CO-CFERATIVE profits.

Are Jou STOCKHOLDERS a stock- Barley BIG STORE our plan to you. MARION'S MAMMOTH ONE-FRICE DEPARTMENT STORE 15.. -3- 3 the 7 BASE 1 pr 5 BALL NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. Cincinnati, Philadelphia, 5. Chicago, 2: Brooklyn, 0.

St. Louts, New York, 8: Pittsburg, Hoston, 4. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost.

Pet. Pittsburg ..21 11 G5G Chicago 22 13. .62: Philadelphia a 15 14 Cincinnati 18 .617 New York 15 483 Brooklyn .13 17 .433 St. Louis 15 .420 Boston 11 20 .355 GAMES TODAY. Cincinnati at Philadelphia.

Chicago. at Brooklyn. St. Louis At New York. Pittsburg at Boston.


Louis 8 3 New York 8 1 Batteries-Reobe, Higgins and Breenahan; Wiltse and Schlel. At I'hiladelphia- H. H. E. Philadelphia -5 0 Cincinnati 6 3 Batteries--Moore and Doold; Dubec and Roth.

At Brooklyn- K. H. E. Chicago 7 Brooklyn: 4 Batteries Overall and Moran; Bell and Bergen, At Roston- 1 P. H'E.

Pittsburg 13 2 Boston 11 Batteries- Leever and Gibson: Mattern and Smith. AMERICAN LEAGUE RESULIO. Washington, Detroit, 1. Boston, St. Louis, 5.

New York-Chicago, rain. Philadelphia, Cleveland, 3. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost.

P'rt Detroit .21 12 636 Philadelphia .......18 13 100 New York .17 13 .667 Boston 17 14 .548 St. Louis '16 .484 Chicago r. 15 17 $469 Cleveland ..........13 9 406 Washington 9 22 .290 GAMES TODAY. Cleveland at St. Louis.

AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. At Cleveland- R. H. E. Cleveland 6 0 Philadelphia I 0 and.

Bemis and Coombs. St H. A St. Louis Boston 0000000000 Batteries -Waddell and Stephenwon; Steele, Check and Carrigan, At Detroit Detroit- R. H.

E. Louisville 8 Washington 6 Batteries Goodwine, -Upp and Gray and Street. Batteries Suggs and Stanage; 0 James; Hogg and -l'eltz, NORTHERN LEAGUE CENTRAL LEAGUE Marion, RESULT8 Huntington, G. IT AMERICAN ASSOCIATION nEbULId. Other games postponed South Haute, raid.

OF THE CLUBS. St. Paul, Kansas Grand Rapids-Evansville, rain, Won. Lost. Pot.

Louisville, 6: Columbus, City, 4. 4. Fort. Wayne, Wheeling, 3. Huntington 3 1 .750 Indianapolis, 9: Toledo, 4.

Dayton, Zancarille, 5. Marion. 2 2 GoO Milwaukee, rain. OF CLUBS. Blanton Kokomo 2 333 7 2 STANDING OF THE CLUBS.

Wheeling W'on. Pot. Wabarh Lafayette 2 .333 Lost. Pet. ...14 12 .700 2 .333 24 12 1:00 Louisville 22.

1G .679 Grand Rapids 10 7. GAMES TODAY. Indianapolis .20 20 Fort Wayne 522 Marion at Huntington. Minneapolis ........17 186 South. Evansville, Bend 11 Lafayette at Kokomo.

Kansas City 15 18 .155 9 12 .429 Hintion at Wanash. Columbus 18. 22 .454 Dayton 8 13 .391 Toledo 16 21. .432 Terre Haute 7 14 833 Results are sure and St. Paul 14 19 121 Results are quick and lasting: a GAMES TODAY.

It penetrates the, heart of disease, GAMES TODAY. Dayton at Zanpaville. That le what Hollister's Rocky Indianapolis at Toledo. Grand Rapida at Evansville, Mountalu Tea Duet. Louisville at Columbus.

South Bend nt Terre Haute. -Freed Mason Minneapolis at Milwaukee. Fort Wayne at Wheeling. St. Paul at Kansas City.

Phil Matter returned WednesCENTRAL LEAGUE GAMES day from Indianapolis where shc. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES. At Zanesville- R. HE. spent oral days with her son, John At TodA H.

H. IC. Davton .20020000 6 1. Matter. who recently underwent an Toledo 8 5 Zanesville 12 2 operation for appendicitis at St.

VinIndianapolis. 10 Brigger; Batteries Sample Yingling, Golden and cent's hospital. The operation proved Batteries-M-Curdy, Robinson and Holmes. and Walker and successful and he will be able to reLand; Graham and Shaw. turn home soon.

Alias Marie Corbett will leave toAt Kansas City- -R. IT. E. At Wheeling- R.1. E.

day for Chicago, where ave will act St. Kansas Paul C-101001010000-4 3 Fort Wayne 2 maid of honor. June 2, at the 19 1 Wheeling .00030000 0 of Mina Lenore Beck and Dr. William weddlug? roy, Batteries Hall and -Swann Carisch. and Ritter K11- Batteries and Henry; Larkin, both Miss Con Phillips and Stratton.

hett will be accompanied home by At Columbus- R. H. F. Miss Nano- Lima, O. who Columbus 16 3 Meet me at the Jefferson club.

will wedding. be one. of the bridesmaids at the ISRAEL WIND 15 ILL Dire." Wesley Fowler. 1824 South Florence street, recelved. a telegram the morning announcing the: critical illnerg of her father, Wand of this Misting his hon, Arando Wland, at Kansas City.

Mo. Although details are lacking it Is'understood that. Mr. Wand suffered IL stroke of paralysis and his death 1R momentarily expected. Sirs Fowler Fix planning go to his bedside at once.

Mr. Wland is one of the heat DIPt of South Marion. and newa of his misfortune will be 10- ceived with regret by his many IS VISITING IN MARION G. H. Jackson.

formerly of this city, now Inmate of the State Soldiers' Hone at Lafayette, is in 'the city on A pleasure and business (rip. Mrs. Jackson, who is head cook at the big kitchen of the State Soldiers' Illome, will arrive later for a visit. Mr. and Mrs.

Jackson -are old time residents of this city and have many friends who will be pleased to fee them, The arent of TORPR pervades' the breath the girl that takes Hollie ter's Rocky Mountain Ted. Bright eyre, red lips, good health follow its use. :35 cents. Tea or Tablets, Freel Mason. i Meet me at the Jefferson club.

4. GOODS TE BASE BALL GOODS FISHING TACKLE GLOVES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, RANGING IN WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF PRICE FROM 25c TO $8.00. FISHING TACKLE IN THE CITY. Bats, Masks, Chest Protectors and Balls Here Is a list. of a few things that you may need: It will pay you to buy HERE MINNOWS, SPOON BAITS and SPINNERS We have a mammoth stock and can fit you out better BASKETS, SINKERS, HOOKS, any kind or and cheaper than anyone in the city.

REELS, LINES, braided or twisted, steel or cane TENNIS RACKET We rackets carry at a prices large assortment of ranging from CROQUET SETS If you are going to buy a Croquet $1.25 to $8.00. Set it will pay you to first. REMEMBER WE CARRY THE LARGEST LINE OF SPORTING GOODS IN THE CITY MARION INDIANA SPORTING GOODS GLASS Third BLOCK Street BROWN CO. HOME GF.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

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